Sunday, October 7, 2012

Gen Conf Re-Cap–Sun Aft–Oct 2012

Elder Robert D Hales:
The Godhead is three separate and distinct beings. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in The Holy Ghost.
Can there be any doubt that we are Christian?
How are we doing in our quest to follow Christ?
As Christians today, we have the obligation to go and do immediately.
We’re called to forsake our sins.
Another use of the account of the Apostles fishing and the Savior calling to them: “Come and Hear”. “Come and Dine”  and then he said, “Feed my Lambs,
Feed my Sheep” – He asks us to “Share MY Gospel” with the young and old, lifting and encouraging and blessing and comforting His Lambs.   We feed His lambs by how we follow the Gospel. We feed His sheep by being good Christian neighbors, by visiting the widows and serving all those in need.
Jesus and peter the fisherman 2
The Savior has promised that He will make us equal to His work. FOLLOW ME and I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS of MEN!
Some of the many ways we follow Him are by rescuing those who are spiritually lost, loving the prodigal, enduring missed understandings. We answer “I’ll go where you want me to go, I’ll say what you want me to say, I’ll do what you want me to do, and I’ll be what you want me to be.”
To be who Heavenly Father wants us to be, we Follow Jesus Christ.
The Savior constant reached our to rescue, love, and nurture those around Him.
Jesus Christ is the Light and Redeemer of the World. He is calling to us today, “COME FOLLOW ME!”
Elder Richard G Scott: 
There are two sides to doing the Work for the Dead: The actual Temple Work and the Family History Work that supports it.
Every Prophet has taught the need of us to perform the Ordinances for our deceased ancestors.
We MUST accomplish the necessary Priesthood work for our own salvation; then we must do the necessary work by proxy for those who did not have the opportunity.
Father in Heaven wants us to receive BOTH parts of the blessings of this work. Any work you do in the Temple is time well worth spent. But, doing the work for one of our own ancestors will bless us far greater.
Prepare the names of our ancestors to receive the ordinances of the Temple and then go to the Temple to do their work.
Ancestors who have been found are happy when their names are reserved; but most likely very unhappy at the long wait for reserved names not having the ordinances completed.
Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. You don’t have to be a genealogist. Look around, there is someone who can help you. It all begins with love and sincere desire to do something to help some else.

Help is given on both sides of the veil. Begin now. You can make a powerful contribution.

Elder Russell T Osguthorpe:
First Presidency has approved new resources to enable Youth to Love, Learn and Share the Gospel.
The new resources will enable the youth to accept the Savior’s invitation to “Come Follow Me”
It is our lifelong quest to become more like the Savior.
True conversion involves Knowing, Doing and Becoming.
Jesus_Son of God_McNaughton
We need to accelerate our learning of teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way.
Take the step to learn the Gospel in the Savior’s Way.
Come and Follow in His Footsteps. Learn, teach and live in His Way and become truly converted.

Elder Marcus B Nash:
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Faith is strong and like the Rock of our Redeemer, our Faith will help us climb and follow the example of the Savior. Our Faith will help us through times of sacrifice!
Miracles confirm our faith.
Story of faithful sister who prayed with Faith and was miraculously given food to feed her children.

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom;    

Lead thou me on!

The night is dark, and I am far from home;

Lead thou me on!


Elder Daniel L Johnson: 
Why would they come to the Temple and serve when they have lost all of their revenue for the coming year?
Because they have made covenants to be a disciple of Christ and do as He would do.
Making a covenant to be a disciple of Christ is not always easy.
Tests and trials vary to see if we will do all of things the Lord commands.
Jesus Praying-Wallpaper

We don’t want to aspire to the riches and glory of men; for such take us away from the powers of heaven.
Our discipleship will be developed and proven by how we endure our trials.
We must choose the right during the storms of life. Obedience and submission to His will bring about the blessings of the Holy Ghost. 
Becoming like Him and becoming One with Him is the ultimate goal of our discipleship.



Elder Don R Clarke:
At the Savior’s Feast of the Passover, the Savior instituted the Ordinance of the Sacrament. He did again with His visit to the Nephites.
Five principles that can bless our lives with the ordinance of the Sacrament:
1.  Have a Feeling of Gratitude. Have a desire to communicate with heaven to feel that joy that comes from God;
2.  Remember that we are renewing our Baptismal covenants;
3.  Feel forgiven of our sins through repentance;
Jesus and the Sacrament
4.  Receive solutions to our problems; Study it out in our minds and ask the Lord.
5.  Partaking of the Sacrament worthily will help us be filled with the Holy Ghost.
It will always be a great Sacrament Meeting if the Sacrament is the center of our worship.


Elder David A Bednar: 
 We can learn about Testimony and Conversion from the ministry of Peter.
A testimony is personal knowledge of spiritual truth obtained by revelation. A testimony is a gift from God.
It requires seeking, asking and knocking to know that the Savior lives.
‘When thou are converted, strengthen thy brethren”. 
The essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ entails a permanent change in our very beings.
True conversion brings about a change in one’s belief and heart and to become a disciple of Christ.
Conversion is an offering of self, love and loyalty. We give to God gratitude for the gift of Testimony.
Conversion requires all of our heart, all of our might, all of our mind, and all of our strength. Become a deeply faithful soul converted deeply to the Savior and His teachings.
1. Believing in the teachings of the Holy Prophet;
2. Exercising Faith in Jesus Christ;
3. Repentance;
4. Experiencing the mighty change of heart;
5. Becoming firm and steadfast in faith and heart.
Testimony is a foundation upon which conversion is established, Testimony will not protect us; but not sufficient to provide the spiritual strength we need.
Conversion to the Savior and to His Gospel. The power of both Testimony and Conversion unto the Lord provide the strength to endure. Knowing that the Gospel is True is the essence of testimony. Consistently being true is the essence of Conversion.

Jesus_ 10 virgins
RE: The Parable of the 10 Virgins who took the ‘lamps of testimony’; the ‘oil of conversion’ cannot be borrowed or given to another person. 


Each of us must keep our own lamp of testimony burning and obtain our own vessel of oil of conversion. Be Faithful having you lamps trimmed and burning and oil with you that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom.



President Thomas S Monson:

“I, personally, have been spiritual fed and uplifted.”
Take the messages into our hearts and lives and we will be blessed.
Even though we may be far removed, we fill of your spirit.
Grateful for each year the Lord has granted.
”I have felt His hand in directing my efforts as I have tried earnestly to serve Him and to serve all of you.”
we -in-the-potters-hands

Let’s not be critical and judgmental. May we willingly serve one another. May we pray for the inspiration to know the needs for those around us and the go and offer that assistance.
The Lord is always on our side when we do what is right.  The purpose of mortality is to learn to grow to be more like our Father, and it is often during the difficult times that we learn the most. Our lives can also be filled with joy as we follow the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He lived for us. He died for us. He paid the price. Live lives that will qualify us to one day live with Him.


Follow October 2012 General Conference on News and Events
[Hollie has loved her personal notes re-capping the messages from General Conference; however, now it seems the Church News Department has finally joined the bandwagon in FINALLY offering LIVE and UP-TO-THE-MINUTE updates for the Talks and Announcements given at General Conference! Click the link for excellent summaries of all the talks given. They’re GREAT – and much better than my simple notes!!]

Gen Conf Re-Cap- Sun AM Oct 2012

Pres. Henry B Eyring:
God is never hidden; but sometimes we are covered by a pavilion that makes Him seem distant. God is NOT unable to see us and hear us; but we may be unwilling to listen to God.
God is close to us and aware of us and NEVER hides from His faithful children.
Jesus Christ lives! Knows us! and Watches over us!
Personal ambitions can cloud reality and make a pavilion to hide us and obscure us from recognizing God’s will for us.

We remove the pavilion when we pray: Thy Will Be Done. Jesus pray mountain wilderness 2

Prayer can remove the pavilion and open the windows of heaven. Prayer can remove the spiritual pavilions that we put over our heads.
The Lord’s delays are always calculated to bless. We can be sure that the Lord keeps His promise.
The day will come when we will see Him face to face. Do the things that make Him as familiar to us as we are to Him.
The Savior’s only motivation was to help people. Extend your love and forgiveness to others in following Him and you will feel closer to Him.

President Boyd K Packer:
Message to those burdened with sorrow and despair.
1. Brightly beams our Father’s mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.

Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
LightYou may rescue, you may save.

2. Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.

3. Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.

Look for that beam of light!
By the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our sins through Repentance will be washed away.
Our message is one of Faith and Hope in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Hymns, Does the Journey Seem Long?, no. 127
1. Does the journey seem long,
The path rugged and steep?
Are there briars and thorns on the way?
Do sharp stones cut your feet
As you struggle to rise
To the heights thru the heat of the day?

2. Is your heart faint and sad,
Jesus Take my Hand-Greg Olsen bYour soul weary within,
As you toil ’neath your burden of care?
Does the load heavy seem
You are forced now to lift?
Is there no one your burden to share?

3. Let your heart be not faint
Now the journey’s begun;
There is One who still beckons to you.
So look upward in joy
And take hold of his hand;
He will lead you to heights that are new—

4. A land holy and pure,
Where all trouble doth end,
And your life shall be free from all sin,
Where no tears shall be shed,
For no sorrows remain.
Take his hand and with him enter in.

Text: Joseph Fielding Smith, 1876–1972

Sister Linda K Burton: 
We are the Lord’s hands here on earth.
We have an invitation to love and serve one another.
First OBSERVE, then SERVE – Listen then serve.  Be a living example of the Savior’s teaching: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these…, ye have done it unto Me. Joseph SMith The Desires Of My Heart_WalterRane
“If I listen with my heart, then I hear my Savior’s voice.”
Observing and serving is not always convenient. Sometimes we’re tempted to serve in the way we want to serve and not in the best way needed.
Follow the Savior who asked, “What will ye that I should do unto you?”

Elder Walter F. González:
Story of the impact of missionaries who came to the rescue. Feeling of something that prompted a reading of the Book of Mormon in three days and led to Baptism and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
God has given a greater source for knowledge; a celestial source of knowledge that comes from:
Reading the Scriptures, Hearkening to the Living Prophet, and Praying.
Celestial ‘Web’ provides knowledge that we can not learn in any other way.Jesus praying-8
Do you remember the peace you felt when you cried out in mighty prayer? Do you remember the to-do list that you made in answer to prayer?
Those who receive knowledge from our Heavenly Father do know of a surety that Jesus is the Christ. By coming unto Christ, every soul may know and feel. Christ will not fail you. He will help. He knows how to succor His people.

Elder Jeffrey R Holland:
The Savior was ONLY three years with the remaining 11 Apostles.  After such a short time to learn and prepare, the unthinkable and unbelievable was true: their Lord was crucified.
The Apostles surely must have wondered, “What do we do now?”
Peter must have answered how it had a glorious three years to have labored with the Son of God. He’s finished His work. ….So I return to go a fishing.
But the fishing wasn’t very good. A figure on the shore called out to them.
Apostles turned fisherman responded that they had caught nothing.
“Cast your net on the right side of the ship” Recognition begins to flood. Just three years earlier, they been told to lay down their nets and did catch a great catch.”  Now, they eagerly again drew a multitude of fishes. Jesus Be Fishers of Men l13
They recognized their Lord, the Resurrected Jesus. And behold a great catch of 153 fishes!
Now, a turning point:  Peter, Do you love me more than you love all this?  and the Savior responds and asks this three times. And Peter answers three times that He loves the Lord.
Jesus discusses with Peter, “Well, then Peter why are you here, why are we back here on this same shore having this same conversation?" "If I need fish, I can get fish. What I need, Peter, are disciples and I need them forever." "I needs someone who loves me, truly loves me."

 - "I need you to be a fisher of men. Go and teach and testify. Follow me.“
“Children, Did not my life and my love touch you more than this?” “Did you Love Me?”
If you Love me, Keep my Commandments. We have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating our love of the the Lord.  Nothing can ever be as it was before.
The Crucifixion and the Resurrection mark the beginning of a Christian life and not before. All of the Apostolic keys have been restored to the earth and are found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Issued a call for every Missionary to return back to Christ’s commission. Love God and remain clean from the blood and sins of this generation. You Father in Heaven expects your loyalty and love at every stage in your life.
The Voice of Christ proclaims: “Do You Love Me?”  Answer: With my Honor and my Soul, yea Lord, We Do Love Thee!! We will never look back until this work is finished and love of neighbor rules the world.

President Thomas S Monson:
Rather than dwelling on the negative, if we will step back and look at the blessings, we will find greater happiness.
Recommend: take an inventory of your life and look for the blessings, large and small, that you have received.
Our prayers are heard and answered.
Hasn’t the Lord promised us, “Be thou ahumble; and the Lord thy God shall blead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.”
The more we act on His promptings to us, the more He will entrust to us His blessings.Jesus Savior Blesses
Our Heavenly father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance. The Lord is in the details of our lives.
The Lord can make up the difference. The Lord Can and Does. The Lord is in all of our lives. He wants to bless us. May we be aware of His blessings in our lives.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gen Conf Re-Cap–Sat Aft–Oct 2012

President Henry B Eyring:
Sustaining of our Prophet and the Apostles:
1st Pres _Monson

First Presidency:
President Thomas S Monson;
President Henry B Eyring, 1st Couns.
President Dieter F Uchtdorf, 2nd Couns.
and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Quorum of 12 Apostles c
and the Sustaining of the General Authorities


Elder L Tom Perry: 
Observed his 90th birthday this summer.
Marvels at the rapidly changing world in which we live.
We pray, live and work to ensure the values of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some values that are receiving opposition are the sanctity of Marriage and the importance of the Family.
Reminisced from a letter written to his mother as he was serving in the military many years ago. Reflected upon the culture in which he was raised with a set of values: a Gospel Culture that comes from God and is an expression of the way we raise our families.
Joy is found when the powers of the Priesthood proclaim marriage to be forever. The adversary is attacking these values.
Singing familyGoodly Parents are entrusted with the care of Heavenly Father’s children.
1. Parents can pray for help from a Loving Heavenly Father.
2. Parents can conduct Family Home Evenings, hold family scripture study and eat meals together.
3. Parents can communicate with Primary teachers, Youth leaders and all those who interact with their children.
4. Parents can share their testimonies to their children to commit them to be faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
5. Parents can organize wholesome family traditions and work responsibilities for their children.
Our strengthened family culture will be a protection to the children. It will help our children to live in the world and not of the world.
It is wonderful to see husbands and wives work at a real partnership – which will insulate our children from the evils around them.


Elder M Russell Ballard:
One of nature’s most nutritious foods is honey.
A highly organized honey-bee hive of 20,000 –60,000 bees must travel about 2 times around the world. Each bee provides 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey and so they depend on each other to faithfully do their part
Bee Hives have always been used in the scriptures.
The Bee Hive symbol was given by Pres Brigham Young to encourage and inspire the pioneers to transform the barren desert into the fertile valley you see today.
Great things are brought about and burdens lightened in the example of following the bees in a Bee Hive.
The Savior taught that we are to love God and care for our neighbors as ourselves. Imagine the good that could be accomplished if we were serving those around us. Millions of small daily compassionate acts would have a transformative effect upon Heavenly Father’s children. They seem small but there is power in our love for God when it is multiplied by many who are dedicating their lives to serving others.  398407_10151272785847533_426347291_n[1]
The Seed of Faith nurtured in our minds needs to become the mighty Change of Heart.

The Gospel and Doctrine of Christ is the only way to obtain Eternal Life. Only when this is written on our hearts will we become converted. The Holy Ghost is our constant companion and the Doctrines of the Gospel distil upon us as the dews from heaven. Assimilate the Doctrines in our hearts and souls. It brings joy into our lives and peace to our souls.
One Daily Practice:  In our morning prayer, ASK Heavenly Father to guide us to someone who needs help. Then go through-out the day, looking for the opportunity to serve. Heavenly Father often answers another’s prayer through us. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other.
You will be prompted by the Spirit and magnificently motivated as you serve the poor, the lonely and the broken, and those searching for peace.
At the end of the day, be able to answer, YES! to “Have I Done Any Good In the World Today?” 
"Pollinate the world with the pure love of Christ."


Elder Larry Echo Hawk:
Yes, I AM a Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Yes, I KNOW the Book of Mormon is True!
The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ is written to the House of Israel, dispersed across the earth, that they may know that they are the covenant people of the Lord.Joseph Smith with bom
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that
“ the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
Read The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
Read and Re-read.
Learn the promises given by Jesus Christ.
Make and keep sacred covenants with the Lord. Come unto Him and offer you whole souls unto Him.


Elder Robert C Gay
What shall a man give for his soul?
Today it is easy to get caught up in world despite our intentions. Satan triumphs over the ‘nickel exchanges or championship challenges’ in our lives.
The Savior asks us to say, “I will give away all my sins to know thee.” 
We are to forget rationalizations, self-justifications, etc.
We are to rise above our sins (both sins of commission and sins of omission).Jesus arms to soul returning_ARRIVAL_J McNaughton

God is mindful of each of us and He will never forsake us.
Always hearken to the voice of the spirit, no matter where it takes us. 
We are to go the rescue to the lost and the least – with compassion and love.
Satan need not get everyone, only able men. Satan would have us sell our lives for the candy bars and championships in our lives.
My testimony is my most precious possession – the treasure of my heart.


Elder Scott D Whiting:
Learned from experience: window needed to be replaced; walls needed to be re-sanded. Both were not up to Temple Standards. Why would they require this extra work, when few would ever see the flaws?
The Answer is on the outside of the building: 
We show our love and respect to Jesus Christ, and we demonstrate that we honor and worship Him whose house it is.
We use only the finest materials and workmanship – even though mortal eyes may never see. The Lord knows our intents in our hearts and promises His presence to be there if it be not defiled.
Temple Laie Hawaii water reflection
When our effort is less than our best, we need to move to quickly correct. Do not attempt to cover our sins.  
The building of the Temples and it’s construction-corrections is a type of who we should be: made of the finest materials and Divine craftsmanship. If we need our soles/souls buffed, etc, then we can make the corrections.

Endeavor to live best you can with improvement corrections to eliminate the flaws.


Elder Neil L Andersen:
In the wake of despair, their faith did NOT falter!
Our faith is centered on God father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.
We treasure our faith.
Pray for increased faith and to do all within our power to defend our faith.
A fiery trial can take root in our weaknesses. A manageable test for one can be a fiery trial for another.

Exercise Faith in Christ. Pray for your Faith. Keep the Commandments and Search the Scriptures. 
Our faith is strengthened by meeting with others who believe; when we share testimonies and worship through music. In the Ordinances, the power of godliness in manifest.
Stay in the security of the household of God.
No trial is so large that we cannot overcome it together. Jesus conquers greg olsen
Have faith that no blessing will be withheld if we live our covenants and keep the commandments.
Don’t jeopardize blessings God has promised. God’s ways are higher than our ways; and if we follow God’s ways, He promises peace and comfort.
The DOCTRINE is taught by ALL 15 Apostles of the Church. There is NO error in the revelations.
Trials may be trying; but need not be spiritually fatal. Build you foundation upon, Christ, the Son of God. – the rock. Then you cannot fall.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. A witness follows the trial of your Faith.
With Faith, come trials of faith bringing increased Faith.
Hold on. Fear Not. For God shall be with you, forever and ever.

Elder Dallin H Oaks:
A loving Heavenly Father gives us feelings to compel us to help and protect children. All Children are children of God.
We are all under the Savior’s command to love and care for each other.
Children need others to speak for them. It is contrary to the Plan of Salvation to deny them birth. It is a great evil. After birth abuses are most visible. Vial deeds are perpetuated on children by their care-givers. Bullying and demeaning can inflict as much or more damage than physical abuses.  Children are impacted by divorces.
The most powerful teaching on children is by the example of their parents.

Jesus and Children of the World b87


Gen. Conf. Re-Cap–Sat am–Oct 2012

                "GOD IS HASTENING HIS WORK!"

President Thomas S Monson:
(Expressed gratitude for the beautiful music and of his Mother’s regret that he didn’t stay with the piano!)
No Church-built facility is more important than a Temple!2 new Temples announced:  Tucson, Arizona and Arequipa, Peru.
Missionary Service: Country service policy has been allowed for 18 yr old missionaries. Now, ALL worthy Young Men beginning at the age of 18 may serve a mission!!

Today, able, worthy Young Women may NOW be recommended to serve at the age of 19 years old!

AND there is a continued need for MORE Senior Missionaries!

Listen attentive to the Conference messages that we may FEEL the Spirit of the Lord!

Elder Quentin L Cook:
If ye have felt the Song of Redeeming Love, can ye feel so now?
Alma’s challenge has never been more important!  It is important to evaluate whether and why you cannot feel so now. Some are in a Spiritual drought.
Anyone can repent and be Spiritually renewed.

Commitment and Repentance are closely intertwined.

 “When you are sick, you will listen to the Doctor.” (C S Lewis)
When you are Baptized, and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost, you have left neutral ground and can never go back.
How we treat those closest to us is of vital importance. 

Regardless of our culture, we must not abuse anyone else. Kindness and civility begins in our homes. The Family is the foundation for Love.  Parents can teach children to live and walk in moral lives. Parents must have the courage to say no and defend truth. Spiritual maturity MUST flourish in our homes! Make sure spiritual principles are taught!

Jesus Forgiven
Through Repentance we can qualify for all the blessings of Heaven – that’s what the Savior’s Atonement is all about. 

We need to have the commitment to be strong and immovable to the principles of righteousness.
Remember, it is never too late to make the Savior’s Atonement effective in our lives so that we can sing the Song of Redeeming Love with all of our hearts.


Sister Ann M Dibb:
“I’m a Mormon – Are You?”
What meaningful phrase would you have printed on T-Shirt to reflect our testimony and beliefs.
I’m a Mormon – I Know it, I Live it, I Love It!
I’m a Mormon: I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such confidence radiated commitment and determination.
I Know it: Are we as conversed in Gospel Studies? Do we feast on the words of the Prophets? Jesus His Love

I Live it: Be doers of the word and not hearers only by exercising faith, by being obedient and lovingly follow the Savior’s example of service. Live according to Gospel Standards. Live High Moral Standards.
I Love it: Gaining a knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living it’s principles causes us to exclaim our devotion that we are willing to obey and follow Him!

We feel encircled in Heavenly Father’s Love.
Be an example of Knowing, Living, and Loving the Gospel! 


Elder Craig C Christensen:
Remember Pres. Hunter’s admonition that we make the Temple as the symbol of our membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to bear witness and teach us the truth of all things.
The Holy Ghost is also known as the Comforter and lifts our Spirits and gives us Hope.
In ways that are difficult to describe in words, the Holy Ghost speaks to our hearts and enlightens our minds.
The Holy Ghost carries the message of the Gospel unto the hearts of men.
JosephSmith loved Children_ClarkKellyPrice
No experience is more sweet than to heed a prompting from the Holy Ghost.

We all have experiences with the Holy Ghost even though we may not recognize them. 

It is through these sacred feelings of the Holy Ghost that we come to know what God would have us do.
Through the Gift of the Holy Ghost we receive added capacity and special gifts – available only to those who have been Baptized and have had hands laid upon their heads by those in authority.


Elder Shayne M Bowen:
Comforting Doctrine: Children are saved through Christ’s Atonement and do NOT need Baptism before the age of accountability at 8 years of age.
This life is NOT the end. The Spirit world is real.
This life is but a transitory step of our journey back to our Father in Heaven.
Jesus death where is thy victory

We can continue with good cheer.

The bitter can become sweet as we commune with our Heavenly Father in prayer and feel the Holy Ghost.
Feelings of sorrow, loneliness and despair will become feelings of comfort and joy as we rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Our loved ones will come forth from the grave as He has promised.

Elder Russell M Nelson:
Thrilled with the announcement that more of our youth may enjoy the service of a mission: 18 yrs for YM and 19 yrs for YW; - and the invitation for many more couples to serve!
The decision to serve a mission will shape the destiny of posterity to come.
We encourage all to keep what is good and true and then accept our challenge to receive more!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the re-established original Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is restored under His Divine Direction and Instruction.
When Jesus walked the earth, He commissioned the ApostlesJesus Go in all the World l39 to preach His Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Renewed in our day, by the Savior Himself, the Apostles are directed to continue to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; to preach of His Atonement and of God’s Eternal Plan.

For those who have previously encountered or ignored our missionaries, we encourage you to listen to them.  ArtBook__109_109__MissionariesElders____
Missionaries can help in many ways.

Ask the missionaries for help to know your 8th Great Grandparents!

Ask the missionaries to help you return to the fold.

Ask the missionaries to help bring joy and love back into your lives.

Ask the missionaries to help you have better health.

Ask the missionaries to help you to learn more about the true purpose of life, why you are here and where you are going after death. 

You can ask the missionaries to help you with concerns with your family and how to strengthen your marriage.

The human spirit seeks light and revelation. The Latter-day Saints have a better understanding of spiritual things and scriptures. Ask the missionaries to help you increase your understanding of the Bible and of The Book of Mormon.

President Dieter F Uchtdorf:
We are ALL Mortal! None of us will be on earth very long. And then, we depart. Our Spirits are taken home to the God who gave us life. And then we move on.
We wonder how the years went so quickly about our choices. We remember many sweet moments that give joy to our hearts. And also of our regrets, the things we wish we could change.
Being near to the end of life gives clarity to thought, insight and perspective.
The foundational principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can affect our lives for good ONLY if we will apply them.

They can help us avoid future regrets.
Our Lord is an Exemplar in His short life in Jerusalem who purposefully acted each day. He blessed, ministered, healed, and gave them the precious gift of His time.
Let us resolve to cherish those we love by spending meaningful time with them (as opposed to posting and linking on the Internet.)
Become the person that God intended us to be.  Our Heavenly Father sees our real potential. Why then do we devote so much time with things that are fleeting and superficial?
Jesus_No Greater Love_McNaughtonBy following the example of our Savior, we do what He would do and become what He intends us to be.

Let us resolve to follow the Savior.

Let us listen and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He will illuminate our eyes and enlighten our minds with things we did not know.
External circumstances don’t ultimately matter. We matter. We determine our eternal happiness.

“It’s not a race. It’s a journey. Enjoy the moment!”
We pray to be close to our Heavenly Father and reach His love. There is something in each day to cherish, to see and to appreciate. See with our eyes AND hearts!
Resolve to be happy regardless of our circumstances.

Be wise to make resolutions today. Resolve to spend more time with those we love.  Resolve to be who God wants us to be. Resolve to follow the Savior today.
The Precious Gift of Christ’s Atonement can wipe away the tears of regret so that we can move forward with clean hands and a pure heart.
Our Spirit will continue to live and one day, because of our Merciful Christ, we will be resurrected and live with Him again. Don’t wait till we’re ready to die to learn to really live.