Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Since I taught the Adult Gospel Doctrine Class last Sunday for Sunday-School, I'll use my visual aids for the Prophetess Deborah to illustrate why I'm so ecstatic that the 'ole grey line is finally dead and gone'!
Yes, the 'ole grey' effect is better than having no visual aid.  But, notice how your senses are drawn to the beautiful Prophetess Deborah in living color!

She seems to almost come alive, and if you listen close, you can hear her loving response to Barak, (who was having a difficult time in mustering the courage to go to battle against Sisera and his 900 chariots): 

"I will surely go with thee..."

Somehow, viewing Deborah in color makes her faithfulness to God and lovingkindness to all those she served an example of the qualities I desire.

Wanting to be like Deborah truly inspires me to be faithful in obeying the Lord and diligent in developing the strength to do what is right. 

See what COLOR can bring to your life?

All of this, just because the 'ole grey line is dead and gone'!
The Deborah and Barak Window (1933), north tra...Image via Wikipedia

Our INSPIRATIONAL FAMILY FOCUS is by Elder Richard G. Scott:  "Do you take time to discover each day how beautiful your life can be? How long has it been since you watched the sun set? The departing rays kissing the clouds, trees, hills, and lowlands good night, sometimes tranquilly, sometimes with exuberant bursts of color and form. What of the wonder of a cloudless night when the Lord unveils the marvels of His heavens—the twinkling stars, the moonlight rays—to ignite our imagination with His greatness and glory? How captivating to watch a seed planted in fertile soil germinate, gather strength, and send forth a tiny, seemingly insignificant sprout. Patiently it begins to grow and develop its own character led by the genetic code the Lord has provided to guide its development. With care it surely will become what it is destined to be: a lily, crowned with grace and beauty; a fragrant spearmint plant; a peach; an avocado; or a beautiful blossom with unique delicacy, hue, and fragrance. When last did you observe a tiny rosebud form? Each day it develops new and impressive character, more promise of beauty until it becomes a majestic rose. You are one of the noblest of God’s creations. His intent is that your life be gloriously beautiful regardless of your circumstances. As you are grateful and obedient, you can become all that God intends you to be." (“Finding Joy in Life,” Ensign, May 1996, 24)
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Monday, May 24, 2010

A Tribute to a Life Well-Lived

Perhaps you've noticed that our Stick-Family at Bevan-
Resort is missing a member.

It was a very sad day when Great Papa and Great had to place Tigger in his carrier and take him to the Vet.

We all knew it was time.

We knew it was coming.

And, still, none of us were prepared for the depth of anguish that hit our hearts.

He was old.

He was very cranky, stubborn, demanding, insistant, contrary, determined, single-minded, aloof, sneaky, and sometimes, down-right mean.

Often just called "Kitty".   Some were blessed to be one of his favorites.  He slept near Great Papa.  Eventually moved to allow Great to make the bed - but not until he decided he was ready and it was his decision, not hers.

He ruled the house, yard, patio, deck and boat dock.  Often, he laid in wait to terrorize Buffy and loved to chase her up the stairs and hit her.  Usually, his soft and tender demeanor was only a ploy to draw you in, oblivious to what he really had planned.  Many have scars from his sudden attacks.

Even so....

He was loved.

Is there an INSPIRATIONAL FAMILY FOCUS for Tigger's Last Post?  Yes.  Read on:

Can animals be with their owners in the hereafter? There is no revealed word on this subject. Reason would tell us that a rancher or farmer may not want all of the cattle he has owned during his life. On the other hand, emotional ties may be honored and family pets may well be restored to their owners in the resurrection. Elder Orson F. Whitney wrote that Joseph Smith expected to have his favorite horse in eternity. (Improvement Era, Aug. 1927, p. 855.)

Just what is the relationship between men and animals? Men are children of God. Animals are for the benefit of man. This does not mean, however, that man is not to have a concern for this part of his stewardship. The prophets in all ages have indicated that man will be accountable for his treatment of animals and that justice and mercy should be exercised concerning them. Alma encourages us to pray over our flocks. (Alma 34:20, 25.) There are numerous examples in Church history of animals being administered to by the anointing of oil and their resultant healing. In the best-known incident, Mary Fielding Smith’s oxen were spared to bring her pioneer family, including a future President of the Church, Joseph F. Smith, to Utah. (Preston Nibley, Presidents of the Church, Deseret Book Co., 1959, pp. 234–35.)

Though the prophets have spoken frequently about man’s responsibility to show proper treatment to animals in this world, very little detail is known about the states of animals in the eternities. Greater emphasis is rightly placed upon man’s need to live the gospel and be worthy to return to his Heavenly Father where he will then learn the answers to such questions. Quoting again from the editorial cited at the beginning of this article: “Men cannot worship the Creator and look with careless indifference upon his creations. The love of all life helps man to the enjoyment of a better life. It exalts the spiritual nature of those in need of divine favor.” (Juvenile Instructor, Apr. 1918, p. 182.)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint...Image via Wikipedia

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