Sunday, November 15, 2009

Heavenly Colors Even in Winter in Stansbury Park

Falling Leaves Quilt A Blanket Upon the Snow --
Winter has arrived! This wasn't the first snow storm, but this was the one that knocked most of the leaves off of the trees!  The green, yellow and orange leaves are a blanket upon the snow, and the green leaves actually appeared much more vibrant than the color appears in the photos below. If winter could always be this colorful, then perhaps I could think about liking winter!
Thank-goodness these photos were taken first thing this morning! By the time we returned home from church this afternoon, all of the pretty green leaves upon the snow had wilted (probably just froze) into an ugly brown!
How much more important then are the memories of this morning - about how beautiful the leaves looked in their patchwork quilt upon the snow! How blessed we are for taking time to notice God's handiwork!   

This brings us to OUR INSPIRATIONAL FAMILY thought for today, which comes from Elder M., Russell Ballard in his talk, 'Faith In Every Footstep':  "Joseph said, “Build under the point where the colors fall and you will prosper and have peace.”  The identification of this mountain peak, as the Saints entered Salt Lake Valley in July 1847, confirmed to President Young that the pioneers had found their destination, their Zion, in the tops of the mountains..... [Jens] was unable to walk another step and pleaded with Elsie, “Leave me by the trail in the snow to die, and you go ahead and try to keep up with the company and save your life.” Elsie, with her unfaltering pioneer courage, replied, “Ride, I can’t leave you, I can pull the cart.”  Such was the strength and the faith of many pioneer women on the trail."Posted by Picasa

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Veda said...

What a beautiful picture and colors! It looks pretty vibrant on my screen!

bevanmission said...

Oh,I'm glad the colors are showing for you! I was hoping to have more of the lake in the background, but I wasn't tall enough for the angle needed, and I definitely wasn't up to pulling a ladder out of the garage!

bevanmission said...

No matter how bad it seems to get, being able to live on the lake has brought some of the most tender blessings before our eyes, helping to sooth, comfort and heal our hearts!

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